Say for example internal and external testers under TestFlight
are testing the application. Then a live Appstore
release that was uploaded previously gets approved. Will the current testers get the new app update which will override the current test build?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Testing Once you accept your invitation, you’ll be able to download a beta version of the app you’ve been invited to test. If you already have the live app installed on your device, the beta version of the app will replace the live version. When you’ve downloaded the beta app, you’ll see an orange dot next to its name that identifies it as a beta. TestFlight will notify you each time a new build is available and provide instructions on where to focus. You can easily offer feedback by tapping the Provide Feedback button in the App Details view in TestFlight. An email automatically opens with pertinent app and device details, and you can add additional details and screenshots.
The beta period lasts for 60 days, starting on the day it is released to testers. In TestFlight, the number of days remaining appears below the Open button for each app.
If a beta app has In-App Purchases, you do not have to purchase them, as In-App Purchases made with beta builds are free within the context of the beta version.
Quote from this link
Tester won't get notified whether the original app is approved by Apple or not. If the app is approved, then user have to download app via App Store. But if tester downloads app from App Store, then it's gonna override the test version.