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How to call a stored procedure

I create prepared statement for sql that give me the right result in mysqlWorkbench, but when I tried to use the same query with php pdo, it returns me an empty Array.

So how to use my prepared statement with php pdo ?

This is my code:

$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db', 'user', 'pass');

$pstmt = "set @sql = null;
                     'MAX(IF(ch.ch_name = ''', replace(ch.ch_name, '''', '\''''), ''', v.v_value, NULL)) AS ''', replace(ch.ch_name, '''', ' ') , ''''
            ) into @sql
            FROM e_champ ch
            join e_champ_value v on v.v_fk_champ_id = ch.ch_id
            join e_collecte c on c.c_id = v.v_fk_collecte_id
            AND c.c_id = 2;

            set @sql = concat('select oi.oi_id, ', @sql, ' from e_order_item oi 
                  left join e_champ_value v on v.v_fk_order_item_id = oi.oi_id
                  join e_champ ch on ch.ch_id = v.v_fk_champ_id
                  join e_collecte c on c.c_id = v.v_fk_collecte_id
                  AND c.c_id = 2 GROUP BY oi_id');

            PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
            EXECUTE stmt;
            DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;"; 

$sth = $dbh->prepare($pstmt);

/* Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set */
print("Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set:\n");
$result = $sth->fetchAll();



  • I found a solution that give me the right result.

    I create a stored procedure in the database then I call it within php pdo.

        CREATE PROCEDURE GetResult()
        set @sql = null;
                             'MAX(IF(ch.ch_name = ''', replace(ch.ch_name, '''', '\''''), ''', v.v_value, NULL)) AS ''', replace(ch.ch_name, '''', ' ') , ''''
                    ) into @sql
                    FROM e_champ ch
                    join e_champ_value v on v.v_fk_champ_id = ch.ch_id
                    join e_collecte c on c.c_id = v.v_fk_collecte_id
                    AND c.c_id = 2;
                    set @sql = concat('select oi.oi_id, ', @sql, ' from e_order_item oi 
                          left join e_champ_value v on v.v_fk_order_item_id = oi.oi_id
                          join e_champ ch on ch.ch_id = v.v_fk_champ_id
                          join e_collecte c on c.c_id = v.v_fk_collecte_id
                          AND c.c_id = 2 GROUP BY oi_id');
                    PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;
                    EXECUTE stmt;
                    DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;

    // PHP code

    $dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db', 'user', 'pass');
    $pstmt = "call GetResult()"; 
    $sth = $dbh->prepare($pstmt);
    /* Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set */
    print("Fetch all of the remaining rows in the result set:\n");
    $result = $sth->fetchAll();

    This is a link about php preapared statement and stored procedures