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How can I know when a DialogFragment is shown again after back pressed?

I have two main activities and the rest of the pages are full-screen DialogFragments (instead of another Activity), at some point, I'm opening a DialogFragment from another DialogFragment. How can the first DialogFragment know if pressed the back button or when the DialogFragment above it is dismissed?

I have not added the DialogFragments to the backstack because I don't want them to replace some view in the activity.

I tried to override the onResume() and onHidden(). I tried to add an event to the FragmentManager and none yielded any relevant results.

I would be glad if someone could shed some light on how I could do this?

My goal is to refresh the DialogFragment or Activity when it shows after the dialog above it is dismissed (new data from server or changes I made in the dialog that affect the previous page).


  • You have a few options. The most straightforward way would be to just use an interface.

    public class TopFragment {
        private OnDismissListener mListener;
        public void setOnDismissedListener(OnDismissListener listener) {
            mListener = listener;
        private void dismiss() {
        public interface OnDismissListener {
            void onDismissed();
    public class BottomFragment implements TopFragment.OnDismissListener {
        public void onDismissed() {
            //reload views
        private void createTopFragment() {
            TopFragment fragment = new TopFragment();

    However, if you are just worried about your data being in sync between screens you could also use something like a database ContentObserver, a BroadcastReceiver, or an event bus of some sort to listen for changes in your data and update your views accordingly. One of these is probably be a much better pattern because it decouples your two fragments whereas if you use a listener the two are highly coupled.