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How to get the area of the polygons from wiki mapia api

I'm Using wiki mapia api to get the geo information. Wiki Mapia

this api returning, location name lat,lng,min lat lng, max lat lng , polygon. Like that i need polygon area. anyone used this api kindly suggest me how to get the area parameter .


  • Without using the api, and only using the points returned by the api you may apply the following algorithm (specified here in pseudocode):

    function polygonArea(X, Y, numPoints) 
        area = 0;         // Accumulates area 
        j = numPoints-1;  // The last vertex is the previous one to first
        for (i=0; i<numPoints; i++)
            area = area +  (X[j]+X[i]) * (Y[j]-Y[i]); 
            j = i;  //j is previous vertex to i
        return area/2;