Question is much like this question- just didn't pan out for me
So how do I access a Property on a WPF usercontrol bound via Parent's Xaml in, from the Controls Code behind?
PS: Other controls bound to Properties of the TowerBase model passed in are binding. ( I just can't access the model passed in in the code behind ).
UserControl: x and y are null and I can't figure out why
public partial class TowerControl : UserControl
public TowerBase model = new TowerBase(); //Trying to set this model
public TowerControl()
var x = ((TowerBase)this.DataContext); //Or Extract from binding
var y = model;
From the parent's xaml:
<controls:TowerControl Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" x:Name="Tower" DataContext="{Binding Tower}" />
Parent Model:
public TowerBase Tower { get; set; }
That is because UserControl's
would not be set by the time it is in constructor. Listen to Loaded
event of user control and in handler you will get the DataContext
<UserControl Loaded="UserControl_Loaded">
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var x = this.DataContext;