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How to compare dates across two tables where one date is valid until updated?

I have a relatively complicated query to write; we use Postgres. Basically, I have data across two tables:

Table 1: Historical ticket prices

ticket_seller_id | show_id | low_price | created_at 
               1 | 17      | 40        | 05/09/2015
               2 | 23      | 50        | 06/23/2015
               2 | 23      | 60        | 07/23/2015
               2 | 23      | 70        | 08/23/2015
               3 | 23      | 55        | 07/22/2015

Table 2: Price alerts created by members

show_id | Price | user_id | created_at
     17 | 40    | 25      | 02/16/2016
     17 | 40    | 26      | 02/16/2016
     23 | 50    | 25      | 07/24/2015

What I want to do is: create a results table which has ONLY price alerts for which the "alert price" was lower than an EXISTING historical price. From the data above, it would look like this:

show_id | Price | user_id | created_at
     17 | 40    | 25      | 02/16/2016

Note that the $50 price alert for show 23 from user 25 wouldn't be displayed, because by the time the user created this price alert, the low_price had risen to $60. Also note that each ticket_seller has its own low_price for each ticket; the answer needs to find the lowest price available from any ticket vendor that was created_at a date prior to the date the alert was created at. Prices are valid until updated, so the lowest price available for show 23 from seller 2 would be $60 on 8/22/2015, since that's the lowest price at that time.

Any and all help would be appreciated!


  • Try this:

    select show_id, price, user_id, created_at
    from price_alerts
    where price < (
      select price
      from ticket_history
      where show_id = price_alerts.show_id
      and created_at = (
         select max(created_at)
         from ticket_history
         where show_id = price_alerts.show_id
         and created_at < price_alerts.created_at))

    There are vendor-specific window functions they could be used here, but you have not tagged your question with the database you're using, so this is the vanilla version.