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Android In-app Promotions: The code you entered is invalid

I am implementing Android In-app Promotions, and when I enter the promo code from market I get this message:

The code you entered is invalid

Can someone post a short tutorial about how to implement and test In-app Promotions?


  • I just learned that I've been doing them wrong. I made up a name for my promo, e.g. "appliv" and thought that was the promo code. It turns out that you need to go to the promo and look for a line like this:

    Number of promo codes       5 codes download

    Click on the "d̲o̲w̲n̲l̲o̲a̲d̲" link to receive your promo codes. They're long sequences of quasi-random characters and each can only be used once.

    Any chance this was your problem? Took me forever to figure it out.