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Export Specific Windows Security Event Logs

I need help on completing a PowerShell script in which I can get specific Security Event Logs and export it to CSV file. Currently, I have this line,

Get-EventLog -LogName Security 4720,4722,4725 -After ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)) | Export-CSV "C:\EventLogs.csv"

This does get the security events that i want to get. However, the information it provide is incomplete. It does not include these 2 in the output,

  1. Account Name - Account that did the change
  2. Target Account - Account that was changed

Is there a way to include these 2 above?

I was told that Get-WinEvent is better suited to do this but i am fairly new to PowerShell scripting so I would really appreciate a little help. Thank you


  • Generally, Export-Csv will:

    • look at the 1st input object
    • inspect its type and determine the columns to export based on all properties the type has.

    In your case, however, it sounds like the information of interest may be contained inside the type's Message property.

    Thus, you must use an intermediate Select-Object call with a carefully crafted hashtable in order to extract the information of interest as separate properties that Export-Csv will then export:

    Here's an example that extracts the account names from the Message property and exports them as separate columns:

    Get-EventLog -LogName Security 4720,4722,4725 -After ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)) |
     Select-Object EventId, Time, @{ 
       e={ ($_.message -replace '\n', ' ') -replace '.*?account name:\t+([^\s]+).*', '$1' } 
     }, @{
       e={ ($_.message -replace '\n', ' ') -replace '.*account name:\t+([^\s]+).*', '$1' } 
     } | Export-Csv 'C:\EventLogs.csv'

    Note how the first regex passed to -replace is non-greedy (.*?), which means that the first occurrence will be matched, whereas the second one is greedy (just .*), which means that the last occurrence will be matched.

    The extra step of replacing line breaks with spaces is necessary, because -replace apparently invariably matches line by line.