This is very similar to Enable location services for Android if user chose Never option but slightly different.
I used PlacePicker and during testing when the app asked me to turn on Location, I said "Never"
Now, it looks like i'm stuck with it :( -- reinstalling the app also doesn't help. Surely, there must be some way for user to reset this?
At-least from my testing perspective, this is insanse if it cannot be reset without a factory reset! Using Android Lollipop - any help in getting this done without rooting the device is much appreicated
1) Tried clearing data from application cache, uninstall, reboot and reinstall - no dice Settings --> Apps -> My App -> Clear Data (and Clear Cache)
2) Tried resetting "All Apps" preferences - i.e Settings -> Apps -> REset app preferences -- still no use
After many hours of research I finally figured out how to reset this...
I cleared the data for the following Apps - Google Maps, Google Play Services and Location Services and that fixed the problem...Now my app again asks to use Location if it's turned off.
I didn't have time to investigate which of these is the actual service that stores this information. Hope somebody finds this useful
edit: I"m guessing this needs to be done in conjunction with clearing app data and uninstalling and reinstalling it too...unclear if just clearing data from the apps will solve the problem