I'm doing some image processing with IDL, and it required a high-precision. But when I debug my colleague's program, I find some thing strange:
IDL> lat,y_res
IDL> lat - findgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5 + findgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5
45.749268 45.749268 45.749268 45.749268 ... 45.749268
IDL> lat - (findgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5) + (findgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5)
45.749001 45.749001 45.749001 45.749001 ...
Just as code above, I don't know why the two results have different value? My IDL version is 8.3 with ENVI package.
TriskalJM is correct. If you look at your parentheses in the second expression, you are grouping your terms differently. This will always happen with floating-point arithmetic in any computer language, just due to roundoff errors. If you want a more information, you could consult: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html
In the meantime, I would recommend that you switch to double-precision:
lat - dindgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5 + dindgen(10)*y_res + y_res * 0.5