I am a little confused with all the different offerings by docker.
So far, I have been using Docker Cloud Web API (cloud.docker.com) to create node-clusters on EC2 instances by linking to my AWS account.
Now recently, I wanted to setup a data container and mount is as a volume, that is shared by other containers running on the same node. This requires use of the --volumes-from flag in docker, which means I need to use docker-machine, connect to my AWS VM, and then launch my containers with this flag.
Do all of these containers show up on cloud.docker.com? Even the ones I launched from the terminal using docker-machine? Maybe I am confused here..
I found out that cloud.docker.com is still in Beta mode and so doesn't offer a --volumes-from. Also, these containers don't show on cloud.docker.com yet. Maybe it will come in the future...