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How to convert an Option[String]to List [Int]in Scala

I'm able to convert Option[String] to List[String] with the following code :

 def convertOptionToListString(a: Option[String]): List[String] = {
    return a.toList.flatMap(_.split(",")) // ex : ("value1", "value2", "value3", etc)

But how can i convert Option[String] to List[Int] so at the end i can have list with integers : (1,3,5). My Option[String] will looks like this : Some("1,3,5")

Note that the values 1,3,5 comes from params.get("ids") sent from an url and params.get is an Option[String]

val params = { case (k, v) => k -> v(0) }



  • val a: Option[String] = Some("1,3,5")
    val l = a.toList.flatMap(_.split(",")).map(_.toInt)