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Azure Stream Analytics - Split date and time

I am trying to split up the date and time components for a ASA query and am having some difficulties. I did try and use the concat, datepart and dateadd functions to achieve this but it comes up with a Query compilation failed error. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong or another better way of achieving this?

ConCat(DatePart(hh,DateAdd(Hour,11,System.Timestamp)),':',DatePart(mm,DateAdd(Hour,11,System.Timestamp))) as Time,



  • Concat function takes string as input, you will have to cast the output of datepart() to string. Below should work.

        cast( datepart(yy,System.Timestamp) as nvarchar(max)),
        cast( datepart(mm,System.Timestamp) as nvarchar(max)),
        cast( datepart(dd,System.Timestamp) as nvarchar(max))) [Date],
        cast( datepart(hh,System.Timestamp) as nvarchar(max)),
        cast( datepart(ss,System.Timestamp) as nvarchar(max))) [Time]
    into outputStore from inputSource