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Programming a bubblesort in NuSMV

I'm trying to program a simple bubble sort as a FSM in NuSMV, but i'm facing a major problem, I can't do the swap in the array, when I try to make a swap between 2 elements os the array, the program stops. Can anyone help solve this? Thanks a lot.


y: 0..5;
x : 0..5;
low : 0..10;
big : 0..10;

arr : [3,4,2,3,5,6];
output : [0,0,0,0,0,0];


init(x) := 0;
init(y) := 1;
init(low) := 0;
init(big) := 0; 

next(low) := case
    arr[x] > arr[y] : arr[y];
    TRUE : arr[x];

next(big) := case
    arr[x] > arr[y] : arr[x];
    TRUE : arr[x];

    arr[x] <= arr[y] : output[x] = low & output[y] = big & next(y) = y + 1 & next(x) = x + 1;
    arr[x] > arr[y] : output[x] = big & output[y] = low & next(y) = y + 1 & next(x) = x + 1;
    y = 5 | x = 5 : next(y) = 0 & next(x) = 1;
    TRUE : next(y) = y + 1 & next(x) = x + 1;


  • Your model is wrong here:

        arr[x] <= arr[y] : output[x] = low & output[y] = big & next(y) = y + 1 & next(x) = x + 1;

    The first line means that if arr[x] <= arr[y] is true, then the transition relation to the next state is defined by output[x] = low & output[y] = big & next(y) = y + 1 & next(x) = x + 1. However, the latter expression evaluates to false in all but the first state (for which there is a lucky match of values), and thus there is no possible outgoing transition to another state.

    Moreover, notice that you are trying to change the values of an array definition, which it can't be done. To see this, compare this model swapping the values of a variable array

    MODULE main()
       arr: array 0..1 of {1,2};
      init(arr[0]) := 1;
      init(arr[1]) := 2;
      next(arr[0]) = arr[1] &
      next(arr[1]) = arr[0];

    which has the following output

    nuXmv > reset; read_model -i swap.smv; go; pick_state -v ; simulate -v
    Trace Description: Simulation Trace 
    Trace Type: Simulation 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        arr[0] = 1
        arr[1] = 2
    ********  Simulation Starting From State 1.1   ********
    Trace Description: Simulation Trace 
    Trace Type: Simulation 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        arr[0] = 1
        arr[1] = 2
      -> State: 1.2 <-
        arr[0] = 2
        arr[1] = 1

    with this other model swapping the values of a defined array

    MODULE main()
       arr := [1, 2];
      next(arr[0]) = arr[1] &
      next(arr[1]) = arr[0];

    which results in

    nuXmv > reset; read_model -i swap_def.smv; go; pick_state -v ; simulate -v
    Trace Description: Simulation Trace 
    Trace Type: Simulation 
      -> State: 1.1 <-
        arr[0] = 1
        arr[1] = 2
    ********  Simulation Starting From State 1.1   ********
    No future state exists: trace not built.
    Simulation stopped at step 1.

    Your current model for bubblesort requires a number of fixes in order to be corrected, thus I decided to write a new one from scratch using wikipedia as reference. The model I wrote can be run within nuXmv, which is a tool that extends NuSMV with some interesting new features.

    EDIT: I (slightly) modified the model in my original answer so as to be fully compatible with NuSMV

    -- Bubblesort Algorithm model
    -- author: Patrick Trentin
    MODULE main
      arr     : array 0..4 of 1..5;
      i       : 0..4;
      swapped : boolean;
      do_swap   := (i < 4) & arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ] > arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ];
      do_ignore := (i < 4) & arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ] <= arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ];
      do_rewind := (i = 4) & swapped = TRUE;
      end_state := (i = 4) & swapped = FALSE;
      init(arr[0]) := 4; init(arr[1]) := 1; init(arr[2]) := 3;
      init(arr[3]) := 2; init(arr[4]) := 5;
      init(i) := 0;
      next(i) := case
        end_state : i; -- end state
        TRUE      : (i + 1) mod 5;
      init(swapped) := FALSE;
      next(swapped) := case
        (i < 4) & arr[(i+0) mod 5] > arr[(i+1) mod 5]   : TRUE;
        do_rewind : FALSE;
        TRUE      : swapped;
    -- swap two consequent elements if they are not
    -- correctly sorted relative to one another
       do_swap -> (
        next(arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ] &
        next(arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ] &
        next(arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ] &
        next(arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ] &
        next(arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]
    -- perform no action if two consequent elements are already
    -- sorted
      (do_ignore|do_rewind) -> (
       next(arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]
    -- perform no action if algorithm has finished
      (end_state) -> (
       next(arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 0) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 1) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 2) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 3) mod 5 ] &
       next(arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]) = arr[ (i + 4) mod 5 ]
    -- There exists no path in which the algorithm ends
    LTLSPEC ! F end_state
    -- There exists no path in which the algorithm ends
    -- with a sorted array
    LTLSPEC ! F G (arr[0] <= arr[1] &
                   arr[1] <= arr[2] &
                   arr[2] <= arr[3] &
                   arr[3] <= arr[4] &

    You can verify the model with the following commands on nuXmv, which rely on the underlying MathSAT5 SMT Solver for doing the verification step:

     ~$ nuXmv -int
     nuXmv> read_model -i bubblesort.smv
     nuXmv> go_msat;
     nuXmv> msat_check_ltlspec_bmc -k 15

    Or you can simply use NuSMV

     ~$ NuSMV -int
     NuSMV> read_model -i bubblesort.smv
     NuSMV> go;
     NuSMV> check_property

    The solution found by the solver is the following one:

    -- specification !( F ( G ((((arr[0] <= arr[1] & arr[1] <= arr[2]) & arr[2] <= arr[3]) & arr[3] <= arr[4]) & end_state)))  is false
    -- as demonstrated by the following execution sequence
    Trace Description: MSAT BMC counterexample 
    Trace Type: Counterexample 
      -> State: 2.1 <-
        arr[0] = 4
        arr[1] = 1
        arr[2] = 3
        arr[3] = 2
        arr[4] = 5
        i = 0
        swapped = FALSE
        end_state = FALSE
        do_rewind = FALSE
        do_ignore = FALSE
        do_swap = TRUE
      -> State: 2.2 <-
        arr[0] = 1
        arr[1] = 4
        i = 1
        swapped = TRUE
      -> State: 2.3 <-
        arr[1] = 3
        arr[2] = 4
        i = 2
      -> State: 2.4 <-
        arr[2] = 2
        arr[3] = 4
        i = 3
        do_ignore = TRUE
        do_swap = FALSE
      -> State: 2.5 <-
        i = 4
        do_rewind = TRUE
        do_ignore = FALSE
      -> State: 2.6 <-
        i = 0
        swapped = FALSE
        do_rewind = FALSE
        do_ignore = TRUE
      -> State: 2.7 <-
        i = 1
        do_ignore = FALSE
        do_swap = TRUE
      -> State: 2.8 <-
        arr[1] = 2
        arr[2] = 3
        i = 2
        swapped = TRUE
        do_ignore = TRUE
        do_swap = FALSE
      -> State: 2.9 <-
        i = 3
      -> State: 2.10 <-
        i = 4
        do_rewind = TRUE
        do_ignore = FALSE
      -> State: 2.11 <-
        i = 0
        swapped = FALSE
        do_rewind = FALSE
        do_ignore = TRUE
      -> State: 2.12 <-
        i = 1
      -> State: 2.13 <-
        i = 2
      -> State: 2.14 <-
        i = 3
      -- Loop starts here
      -> State: 2.15 <-
        i = 4
        end_state = TRUE
        do_ignore = FALSE
      -> State: 2.16 <-

    I hope you'll find my answer helpful, albeit late ;).