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Select query on postgresql database result is empty. Am I using wrong logic?

I am using Npgsql for postgresql in C++/CLI. So, the problem is, I have a db on my computer, and I am trying to select some of data from it's "movies" table. I already entered some data inside it, so I know that it has some data. But when I try to select some of them, answer to my query is empty. My code is like below:

public: string* SelectData(string* torrent)  
            String ^ query = "SELECT title, director, actors, genre FROM movies";
            Npgsql::NpgsqlCommand ^ command = gcnew NpgsqlCommand(query, conn);
                Npgsql::NpgsqlDataReader ^ dr = command->ExecuteReader();
                for (int i = 0; i < N_TORRENT; i++)
                        string std1 = toStandardString((String^)dr[0]);
                        string std2 = toStandardString((String^)dr[1]);
                        string std3 = toStandardString((String^)dr[2]);
                        string std4 = toStandardString((String^)dr[3]);
                        torrent[i] = std1 + " " + std2 + " " + std3 + " " + std4;
                return torrent;


  • (For the ones who will look for this question's answer) Problem solved when I changed my query and look for the "title" column that are not empty. But this is ridiculus, so I beleive the problem was about pgAdmin. Because my insert query was not working either, but I added "rowseffected" variable and it shows the effected row's number and looks like it is working. So the problem is probably about the pgAdmin.