I'm trying to recover a table from Litespeed bakcup. The table is of schema SOURCE. Litespeed object recovery wizard fails with the error:: Table name must be specified in the format owner_name.table_name. I tried with the store procedure directly as well but it's giving the same error. Please help me fix this issue:
EXEC master.dbo.xp_objectrecovery
@filename = 'backup_file_name'
, @filenumber = 1
, @objectname = 'SOURCE.target_rpt_2016'
, @destinationdatabase = 'database_name'
,@destinationtable ='SOURCE.target_rpt_2016_restore'
, @tempdirectory = 'recovery_temp_dir'
I tried giving destinationtable without schema/dbo as well but it's throwing same error.
Atlast figured out the issue.
The owner of the schema Source is a domain account Dom\AXp0101. So when I changed the paramter @ObjectName to '[Dom\AXp0101].[source].[2016_target_rpt_2016]' the recovery completed. Read somewhere that as the owner of this particular schema is a domain account, there might be issues associated with demiliters so we have exclusively specify like above.