I want to eliminate all of the variables saved into all fields of NSUserDefaults whenever the app is closed or running in the background for a certain amount of time - say 5 minutes.
I tried to add a line to the app delegate of applicationDidFinishLaunching that looks like this:
if (UIApplicationStateBackground == TRUE) {
NSUserDefaults *profiles = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[profiles setObject:nil forKey:@"name1"];
[profiles synchronize];
I also added just this portion to the applicationWillTerminate:
NSUserDefaults *profiles = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[profiles setObject:nil forKey:@"name1"];
[profiles synchronize];
None of this seems to be working and I have no idea how to set a condition of 'if 5 minutes have surpassed of the application being in the background, delete the NSUserDefaults variables' - Any help?
I would recommend to remove the object instead of setting it to nil.
- (void)removeObjectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName;
The normal behavior of NSUserDefaults is to return nil when there is no key matching the query, so I believe is better to follow the same rule and not store nil for a certain key.
Hope it helps.