I'm starting to use Apache Jena Fuseki for running SPARQL in local.
I'm looking for a way to speed up to load an RDF file. Currently I'm using the following command as noted in the instruction.
s-put http://localhost:3030/ds/data default data.ttl
Since my RDF data is large (70GB), I would like to speed up loading data.
TDB has a number of command line utilities that you can use for getting data into the datastore. In this case, you'd probably want to use tdbloader or the more efficient (but less portable) tdbloader2.
Bulk loader and index builder. Performans [sic] bulk load operations more efficiently than simply reading RDF into a TDB-back [sic] model.
Bulk loader and index builder. Faster than tdbloader but only works on Linux and Mac OS/X since it relies on some Unix system utilities.