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MyBatis Performance of bulk operator

I have used MyBatis-spring + Java. I need to insert >10000 records into table in one transaction. To do it, I have used a mapper:

<insert id="saveBulk" parameterType="List">
    INSERT INTO "quote" ("id", "mi_id", "timestamp", "open", "close", "low", "high", "volume", "period")
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">
        ( #{item.key}, #{item.marketInstrumentKey}, #{item.timestamp}, #{}, #{item.close}, #{item.low},
        #{item.high}, #{item.volume}, #{item.period}::quote_period)

And pass a List to this statement. It is worked extremely slowly for 2000-3000 records, but the 10000 records are inserted more than 4 minutes (I should increase the timeout interval)! The same 10000 records are inserted to the same DB via PgAdmin for less than 10 second. I tried to trace the processing of this operation and found a bottleneck

public int doUpdate(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter) throws SQLException {
    Statement stmt = null;
    try {
      Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
      StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(this, ms, parameter, RowBounds.DEFAULT, null, null);
      stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
      return handler.update(stmt);
    } finally {

The StatementHandler is calculated few minutes, and few minutes for prepareStatement. I understand, why it happens: 10000 records with 9 field for each record. All these 100k fields should be inserted as parameters into statement. And how can I accelerate this process?


I implements a batch save with using of "BATCH" mode of sqlFactory and @Transactional. This is configuration of mybatis-spring XML config:

    <bean id="sqlBatchTemplate" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionTemplate">
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="sqlSessionFactory"/>
        <constructor-arg index="1" value="BATCH"/>

    <bean id="quoteBatchMapper" class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperFactoryBean">
        <property name="mapperInterface" value="tafm.dataaccess.mybatis.mapper.QuoteMapper"/>
        <property name="sqlSessionFactory" ref="sqlSessionFactory"/>
        <property name="sqlSessionTemplate" ref="sqlBatchTemplate"/>
   <bean id="dataAccessBatch" class="tafm.dataaccess.DataAccess">
        <property name="quoteMapper" ref="quoteBatchMapper"/>

Then, I have implemented a "batch" method:

    public void saveBulk(List<Quote> quotes) {

        for(Quote q:quotes) {

mapper - is XML mapper for entity Quote:

<insert id="saveBulk" parameterType="List">
    INSERT INTO "quote" ("id", "mi_id", "timestamp", "open", "close", "low", "high", "volume", "period")
    <foreach collection="list" item="item" index="index" separator=",">
        ( #{item.key}, #{item.marketInstrumentKey}, #{item.timestamp}, #{}, #{item.close}, #{item.low},
        #{item.high}, #{item.volume}, #{item.period}::quote_period)

It is working fast


  • you can do something like this.

    <insert id="saveBulk" parameterType="List">
        INSERT INTO "quote" ("id", "mi_id", "timestamp", "open", "close", "low", "high", "volume", "period")
        <foreach collection="list" item="item" separator=",">
            ( #{item.key}, #{item.marketInstrumentKey}, #{item.timestamp}, #{}, #{item.close}, #{item.low},
            #{item.high}, #{item.volume}, #{item.period}::quote_period)

    In Java File

    public void insertBulkData(List<Item> list)
            int total = list.size();        
            int interval = 1000;
            int from = 0;
            int to = 0;
            while (to <= total)
                from = to == 0 ? 0 : to;
                to = (to + interval) <= total ? (to + interval) : total;
                saveBulk(list.subList(from, to));
                if (to == total)

    above code using interval at 1000 records will insert at a can modify this interval also.
    you have to call insertBulkData(list).
    I hope this will helpful to you.