I am pretty new in typescript and I am trying to create Angular.js directive written using typescript class and want to use external angular services in directive link function, invoked when $watch function received data. But no matter how I try, this keyword always link to the global window and I cannot access injected services. Help me please to do it. Here is my directive:
module Portal.MainMenu {
class MenuScrollDirective implements ng.IDirective {
static $inject = ["$timeout", "$window"];
constructor(private $timeout: ng.ITimeoutService, private $window: ng.IWindowService) { }
restrict = "EA";
scope = {
expanded: "=",
tplChanged: "=",
fullView: "="
link = ($scope: ng.IScope, el: IJQSlimScroll) => {
var settings = {
position: 'left',
size: '5px'
function init() {
$scope.$watch('expanded',(cur, prev) => {
cur && adjustScroll();
function adjustScroll() {
var winH = this.$window.innerHeight //this - refers to Window here
//but I need to access service
this.$timeout(() => {
//need access to el here
}); //same here 'this' is global
.directive('menuScroll', ($timeout: ng.ITimeoutService, $window: ng.IWindowService) => {
return new MenuScrollDirective($timeout, $window);
Directive link function has controller/ctrl as third parameter and attributes/attrs as fourth parameter.
Sample link function will look something like this:
link = ($scope: angular.IScope, el: angular.IAugmentedJQuery, ctrl: Function, attrs: angular.IAttributes).
You can use controller reference to invoke the controller function and from there directly invoke the angular services function which you need for manipulation.