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Batch - WMIC Command output multiple lines add string (Computer Name)

I am trying to make a batch script which will output as follows for fixed-disk:

Computer Name, Drive Letter, Free Disk Space

the output can be one line in case there is only one drive or multiple-lines if there are more than one drive

now with following command, i am getting the output for a computer, but this does not give the computer name. I need to include computer name because i will run it against multiple computers by a script using for loop.

wmic /node:"%COMPUTERNAME%" LogicalDisk Where DriveType="3" Get DeviceID,FreeSpace

using batch script, i can output computer name, but it only appears above the disk-space lines

echo off
for /f %%i in (computers.txt) do (
echo %%i >>outputfile.txt
wmic /node:"%%i" LogicalDisk Where DriveType="3" Get DeviceID,FreeSpace' >>outputfile.txt

if the computer name is "COMPUTER1" and has 3 drives, this is coming as

DeviceID  FreeSpace
C:        <free space bytes>
D:        <free space bytes>
E:        <free space bytes>

what i want is:

ComputerName DeviceID FreeSpace
COMPUTER1    C:       <free space bytes>
COMPUTER1    D:       <free space bytes>
COMPUTER1    E:       <free space bytes>

event the column header can be excluded.

i believe this can be done by for loop, but not sure how. anyone can advise, will be appreciated. thanks.


  • you have to capture wmic output by for, then you can postprocess every line:

    echo Computername  DeviceID  FreeSpace
    for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic /node:"%%i" LogicalDisk Where DriveType^="3" Get DeviceID^,FreeSpace ^|find ":"') do @echo %%i  %%a