I want get all movieID in list from IMDbPY. I want to get analyze most popular genre, actor etc in a given year. For example in 2014 find popular film, popular actor, genre etc with scikit-learn or other library. How to get list of movieID?
Go to this link http://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ and download the ml-latest-small.zip
It will give you a list of 33k movies, with a link to the imdb id as an int. (advice: imdb use id starting with two tt and a fix number of number so you have to complete the id given by movie lens but it's no big deal)
Then you can query omdb with this id and get all information available from omdb or do some web scraping on imdb website (omdb is faster but has less information).
I can forward you some database I made out of tmdb, imdb, omdb and ml-latest if you want.