I'm messing around with Scala's parser combinators, and I'm stumped by an error I don't quite seem to understand.
Here's the relevant code:
trait ASTNode
trait Terminal extends ASTNode
trait Nonterminal extends ASTNode
case class Identifier(id: String) extends Terminal
case class TypeDefinition(identifier: Identifier, optionalType: Option[TypeParameters]) extends Nonterminal
case class TypeParameters(params: List[TypeParameter]) extends Nonterminal
case class TypeParameter(typeDef: Either[TypeDefinition, Identifier]) extends Nonterminal
object Parser extends RegexParsers {
def identifier: Parser[Identifier] = """([a-zA-Z_][\w'-]*)""".r ^^ Identifier
def typeDef: Parser[TypeDefinition] = identifier ~ opt("of" ~> typeParams) ^^ {
case id ~ optional => TypeDefinition(id, optional)
// the bit causing the error
def typeParam: Parser[TypeParameter] = "(" ~> typeDef <~ ")" | identifier ^^ {
case td: TypeDefinition => TypeParameter(Left(td))
case id: Identifier => TypeParameter(Right(id))
What's bugging me about the error, is that a) both cases of typeParam
return a TypeParameter
, and b) TypeParameter
is an implementation of Nonterminal
, so from what I can see, no error should be produced.
What's going on here and how do I fix this error?
Due to precedence the cases aren't what you think they are. Your two cases are:
"(" ~> typeDef <~ ")"
identifier ^^ {
case td: TypeDefinition => TypeParameter(Left(td))
case id: Identifier => TypeParameter(Right(id))
So since the anime smiley only applies to identifier
, the type of "(" ~> typeDef <~ ")"
is Parser[TypeDefinition]
, not Parser[TypeParameter]
. So Scala sees you ORing a Parser[TypeDefinition]
with a Parser[TypeParameter]
and decides that the result must be a Parser[NonTerminal]
as that's their most specific common superclass.
To fix this you can just add parentheses around "(" ~> typeDef <~ ")" | identifier
to make the precedence what you intended it to be or apply the anime smiley to both cases individually, which also saves you from having to pattern match:
def typeParam: Parser[TypeParameter] =
"(" ~> typeDef <~ ")" ^^ {
td => TypeParameter(Left(td))
} | identifier ^^ {
id => TypeParameter(Right(id))