This is trouble shooting question.
Our application's development environment is VS2005 C/C++, VB6 based GUI.
we use also componentone for ActiveX control(vsflexgrid8).
application performed well in Windows XP, but in Windows 7, there is some problem in GUI.
rebuilded almost all C/C++ code and VB6 code in Windows 7
our build system is so poor and because I joined this team a month ago, building all codes are a bit hard
But this (maybe) last problem is not related to build, I think.
all other processes and GUI process are start well. but when click some menu in GUI, all user controls become invalid.
error message seems like this:
'-2147417848 (80010108)' occured runtime error.
Automation error.
Invoked Object disconnected from client.
above message is not identical to real message since real message is our native language(Korean).
when googling with this message, I'm able to gather some informations.
the most possible case is when using OLE Automation for Microsoft Office Objects.
But our GUI(VB6 developed) does not use Microsoft Office Objects.
And problem-causing page/control's are commonly use componentone modules.
So, if experienced similar problems, please help me.
In Virtual Machine Windows XP mode, there is no problem. But I'm strongly willing to develop in this environment.
Thank you for your help.
'Automation Error' just means that an error was raised from within the ActviveX control, but that the developpers did not add a description to it. So the cause could be anything. A common source for this kind of errors are write errors to protected folder (The Program Files folder for instance) or forbidden Registry Read/Write actions. You could try installing the program to another location or to run it elevated.
Hope this helps at least a little.