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How to convert an InMemoryUploadedFile in django to a fomat for flickr API?

I have a class that uploads a file to Flickr. The file is of type

I would like to know how to convert or pass the data in the 'InMemoryUploadedFile' file, to a format for flickr's API?


{'photo': ('image.jpg', <InMemoryUploadedFile: image.jpg (image/jpeg)>)}

Upload API:

Error Code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="fail">
    <err code="4" msg="Filesize was zero" />


  • InMemoryUploadedFile is a wrapper around a file object. You can access the file object using the file attribute. So, in your example, try passing this to the Flickr API:

    {'photo': my_in_memory_file.file}

    If that doesn't work, please edit your question with more detail around the code you're using to submit the request.