Trying to get a section on my site working when it basically acts in the same way as facebooks wall post
user sees a box where they input some information about how they feel, then I use a jQuery $.post
method to submit the data, and then I would like to retrive the new data.
Currently this is what I have.
<script type="text/javascript">
$.post("/wall/new/", $("#testform").serialize());
$(this).ajaxComplete(function() {
return false;
And then the HTML looks like this
<div id="news">
<h4>{% trans "News feed" %}</h4>
<form method="post" action="/wall/new/" id="testform">
<textarea id="id_text" class="wall-input" style="max-height: 100px;" rows="1" name="text"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="{% trans 'share' %}" class="blue" id="submit-wall"/>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
$.get seemed to solve the issue instead
$(this).ajaxComplete(function() {
$.get('/wall/', { user:'myuser'}, function(data){