Complete Segmentation code:
% Preprocessing + Segmentation
% // Original Code of Segmentation by Soumyadeep Sinha with several modification by Ana//
% Saving each single segmented character as one file
function [s] = seg (a)
myFolder = 'D:\1. Thesis FINISH!!!\Simulasi I\Segmented Images';
% a = imread ('adv1.png');
% Binarization %
level = graythresh (a);
b = im2bw (a, level);
% Complement %
c = imcomplement (b);
% Morphological Operation - Dilation %
se = strel ('square', 1);
% se = strel('rectangle', [1 2]);
r = imerode(c, se);
i=padarray(r,[0 10]);
% i=padarray(c,[0 10]);
% Morphological Operation - Dilation %
% se = strel('rectangle', [1 2]);
% se = strel ('square', 1);
% i = imerode(r, se);
verticalProjection = sum(i, 1);
set(gcf, 'Name', 'Segmentation Trial', 'NumberTitle', 'Off')
subplot(2, 2, 1);imshow(i);
plot(verticalProjection, 'b-');
grid on;
t = verticalProjection;
t(t==0) = inf;
% 0 where there is background, 1 where there are letters
letterLocations = verticalProjection > mayukh;
% Find Rising and falling edges
d = diff(letterLocations);
startingColumns = find(d>0);
endingColumns = find(d<0);
% Extract each region
for k = 1 : length(startingColumns)
% Get sub image of just one character...
subImage = i(:, startingColumns(k):endingColumns(k));
% im = subImage;
s = subImage;
% figure, imshow (s);
% Normalization %
[p] = normalization (s);
% se = strel ('square', 1);
% se = strel('rectangle', [2 1]);
% im = imdilate(p, se);
% Morphological Operation - Thinning %
im = bwmorph(p,'thin',Inf);
% Save %
[L,num] = bwlabel(im);
for z= 1 : num
bw= ismember( L, z);
% Construct filename for this particular image.
baseFileName = sprintf('data.%d.png', y);
% Prepend the folder to make the full file name.
fullFileName = fullfile(myFolder, baseFileName);
% Do the write to disk.
imwrite(bw, fullFileName);
% y=y+1;
s = (im);
Word images
Lately, I was did it manually, but the data set will be bigger and it so wasting time to run segmentation for one by one images. Is there any suggestion, how should I do to make it simple and more effective? Get the result for every segmented character (in sequence).
% Save %
[L,num] = bwlabel(im);
for z= 1 : num
bw= ismember( L, z);
% Construct filename for this particular image.
% Change basefilename for each word images %
baseFileName = sprintf('data (1).%d.png', y);
% Prepend the folder to make the full file name.
fullFileName = fullfile(myFolder, baseFileName);
% Do the write to disk.
imwrite(bw, fullFileName);
after using this code, it create a good result, but just for one data, the next data will replace the recent data. So, lately, for every word image, I run the segmentation process one by one and change this part to get an appropriate result. Change sprintf('data (1).%d.png', y) to become sprintf('data (2).%d.png', y); and so on.
% Change basefilename for each word images %
baseFileName = sprintf('data (1).%d.png', y);
The result that I hope. I hope, I can get it automatically.
Any help will be very appreciated.
Since Arabic is my native language I will help you in this. Let me start by making clear : that some Arabic letters contains non-connected regions. Because of this using image processing techniques will not be enough. Few years ago I designed a system that takes advantage of the idea: regions related to the same letter are either above or below the letter. The steps :
If the text is written by people " hand written" the problem will become more complex. Then you need a machine learning solution to verify the segmented regions.