I would like to create linear gradient using IPP (Integrated Performance Primitives) functions and avoid pixel-by-pixel color manipulation.
In other words, I can't find appropriate function or combination of functions that will alow me to create RGB image with gradient R0 to R1, G0 to G1, B0 to B1 (initial and final RGB values). I can create it manually by cycling each pixel and setting the color but I hope there is more elegant (and fast) way to do it.
I found some solution. With the help of ippiImageRamp function.
The function creates a one- or three-channel image that can be used as a test image to examine the effect of applying different image processing functions.
The destination image pixel values are computed according to one of the following formulas:
dst(x,y) = offset + slope * x, if axis = ippAxsHorizontal,
dst(x,y) = offset + slope * y, if axis = ippAxsVertical,
dst(x,y) = offset + slope * x * y, if axis = ippAxsBoth