These three numbers 1.2, 0.0034, 56000
all have one thing in common: two digits of accuracy. Lets say I want to report computed bandwidth of several very different devices that range from kilobytes per second to gigabytes per second, all of which vary by up to %10. The easiest way for my readers to quickly grasp the results is for me to convert everything to a common unit (say MB/s), line up the decimal points,
1.2 0.0034 56000
and avoid printing extraneous digits; if my computed values are 1.193225, 0.00344791, and 56188.5622, then my readers only need to see the above - the rest is noise. Despite extensive formatting options for floating point numbers, Python doesn't seem to have a clean way to print numbers with a fixed-accuracy. What would be the best way to do this?
A note on scoring this question: I'll chose the best (ie. simple, understandable, elegant) answer over the first answer. No need to rush.
import math
def round_s(n):
if not n:
return n
e = int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(n)))) - 1
return round(n, -e)
def fmt(n, size):
return '{n:{size}f}'.format(size=size, n=n).rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
numbers = [
for n in numbers:
print '{:12.5f} => {}'.format(n, fmt(round_s(n), 14))
1.19322 => 1.2
1.00000 => 1
0.00000 => 0
-1.00000 => -1
0.00345 => 0.0034
-0.00345 => -0.0034
56188.56220 => 56000
-56188.56220 => -56000
Here you go.