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Decrement float from 1.0f to 0.0f (C++)

I'm trying to set a screen alpha amount from 1.0f to 0.0f (complete fade out). I have the following defined:

static float cur_alpha;

And the function to do it is named HUD_FadeAlpha. There is also a HUD_SetAlpha, but it only contains {cur_alpha = alpha;}, where FadeAlpha attempts to set alpha and decrement the float to 0.0f:

void HUD_FadeAlpha(float alpha)
    cur_alpha = alpha;
    int i;

    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i-- )
      alpha = 1.000f + i/1.000f;


This is supposed to decrement the alpha value from 1.0f to 0.0f (transparent). It is only to be used with this:

void Message_Drawer(void)

    if (message_on)
        HUD_SetAlpha(1.000f); // sets the alpha
        HUD_SetAlignment(0, 0);
        HUD_DrawText(160- 3 / 2, 3, w_message.c_str());
        HUD_FadeAlpha();//******** the function to fade out. ********


But for some reason, it isn't working, it's acting like there isn't anything to decrement, so it just draws the text to screen and disappears without an alpha fading effect. . . (?)

What I'm trying to do is have the message start at 1.0f, and fade out to 0.0f, since HUD_Alpha sets it to solid, and needs to fade to nothing after the message has been drawn to the screen . For some reason, it's not working correctly, so maybe I'm not setting it up right. Not sure if this needs to be done in HUD_FadeAlpha or in Message_Drawer.

So basically, from 1.0f -> 0.75f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.0f, but decremented quickly and smoothly, using 3 decimal places. The message is only drawn to the screen for about 4 seconds and disappears (4*TICRATE, 35tics=1s), so it would need to be fast, but not too fast that it doesn't get drawn to the screen in the first place.

Thank you all so much!! <3


  • I think what you want is the following loop:

    for (int i = 100; i >= 0; i--) {
        alpha = i/100.0f;
        // code here to update the displayed alpha

    Dividing by 1.000f is just dividing by 1, which doesn't do anyting except convert from int to float. Dividing by 100.0f will correctly generate a fraction that decrements each time -- the starting value is 100/100.0f = 1.0f, and the ending value is 0/100.0f = 0.0f.

    And you need to update the display within the loop, otherwise you'll only see the final alpha value, not the smooth fade. You should probably also have a delay in the loop, so it doesn't go so quickly that the user can't see the fade.