Using the Attask api, how can a I add an update through the rest api? Updating the task looks like it will completely replace all updates as per the PUT documentation on nested objects, and doing a post on the /api/update doesn't seem to work : here is what I have tried so far using Powershell for testing $url = "https:///attask/api/update?sessionID=$($ Message from api&refObjID=56e9b1d100741c6eb3cab7df95269ba7&objCode=UPDATE&updateObjCode=NOTE" $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method "POST" Result is : Invoke-RestMethod : {"error":{"class":"java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException","message":null}}
Instead of Updates, post to notes instead - e.g.
$url = "$(${noteText:'Test Message from api',objID:'56e9b1d100741c6eb3cab7df95269ba7',noteObjCode:'TASK'}"
$postResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Method "POST"