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Failure after sending push notification to specific IDs with Cloud.PushNotifications.notify

I've been developing a chat app with Titanium and I'm facing some issues while sending push notifications when a user send a message.

If I simply call:

    channel : 'myChannel',
    to_ids : usersID.toString(),
    payload : {
        message : "message",
        from : myId,
        sound : "default",
        alert : "New message!",
};, function(e) {
        if (e.success) {
        } else {
            console.log('Error:\n' + ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));

I get the OK from the server

    {"push_notification":{"id": "xxx", "payload": "{\"message\":\"message\",\"from\":\"xxx\",\"sound\":\"default\",\"alert\":\"New message!\"}", "channel": "myChannel"}, "success": true,"error": false, "meta":{"code": 200, "status": "ok", "method_name": "Notify"}}

but the push notification is marked with the status Failure on the ArrowDB panel.

A different story if I set to_ids = "everyone", the push is sent (as long as you're an admin user).

The weird thing is that I get the same error if I try to send it from the ArrowDB panel.

Sending the push with specific IDs Sending the push with specific IDs

Sending the push to everone Sending the push to everone

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I tried to stick to the basic examples provided by titanium.


  • The problem was that the devices didn't have an user associated:

    user not associated to device

    After a lot of tests I realized that after the Cloud.Users.login method I was wrongly calling the method Cloud.PushNotifications.subscribeToken instead of the Cloud.PushNotifications.subscribe. Changing that, after the login and subscribe, the device has an user associated to it:

    user associated to device

    And everything works as expected, push notifications are sent and received.

    EDIT: I didn't notice that hovering the Failure label showed you the reason (a little weird way to show info), and the reason in fact was somewhat explained in there:

    error message