I want to call a function when user presses qq
in visual mode, so I wrote the following code:
function! FindSelectionMeaning()
echo "FindSelectionMeaning"
vnoremap <silent> qq :call FindSelectionMeaning()<CR>
The function is called but I have the following questions:
getting called once for each of the selected lines? I thought that it should be called only oncevnoremap
(in this case s:FindSelectionMeaning
instead of FindSelectionMeaning
)?Your command was called several times (in fact the number of selected lines ), because, when you press :
in visual mode, vim will automatically add range '<,'>
, it leads to for each selected line execute the later inputted command. If your function want to be called only once, you can change your mapping like:
vnoremap <silent> qq :<c-u>call FindSelectionMeaning()<CR>
the <c-u>
is gonna remove the range info after the :
In fact, you can get selected text in this way, I think it is easier, keep the <c-u>
mapping, and change your function:
function! FindSelectionMeaning ()
let v_save = @v
normal! gv"vy
return @v
let @v = v_save
This function returns selected text.