This question was already asked here but this don't work because of the Javascript. So in the provided answer only the CSS was changed but not the JS, which means the content of the nav bar is still visible while the toggler is not. Any solution?
My question is how to change the breakpoint of the nav bar in Bootstrap 4.xx
Bootstrap 5.0
Bootstrap 5 still uses the navbar-expand*
classes to determine the Navbar's collapse breakpoint. There is now an additional navbar-expand-xxl class.
Bootstrap 4.0.0
Changing the navbar breakpoint is easier in Bootstrap 4 using the navbar-expand-*
classes. If you exclude navbar-expand-*
the mobile menu will be used at all
widths. Here's a demo of all 6 navbar states: Bootstrap 4 - Navbar Tiers
Also see: Change bootstrap navbar collapse breakpoint without using LESS