My shop has a precedent of checking in 3rd party tools to source control and using relative paths in projects/builds to find everything. Also, as NUnit releases new versions there have been several versions of NUnit admitted to this 3rd party libraries section in source control, so that changing older tests wasn't necessary to start using newer versions.
However, Finalbuilder defines the path to nunit-console.exe in the Tools | Options menus, and not only does this path not use environment variables, but there's only one of it.
Is there some way I'm missing to supply a path to the NUnit action?
You can do this in the BeforeAction script event (javaScript) :
var nunitOptions = GetOptionsObject("NUnit")
nunitOptions.NUnitLocation = FBVariables.MYUNITPATH
where MYUNITPATH is a FinalBuilder Project variable that points to nunit. Note that you should avoid relative paths for this since they are not fully supported due to the multithreaded nature of FB.