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Create perpendicular lat long from single cllocation coordinate of X meter

I have user current location i.e. CLLocation Coordinate (location lat & long) and user is on race track pointing to one direction with the help of user current location i created one region now I want some more race track coordinate(say 2m , 4m , 6m away from race track in perpendicular direction) and the track is 10 m long. Please check the image and the red points are on the track. Please check this image


  • /**
     * Returns the destination point from initial point having travelled the given distance on the
     * given initial bearing (bearing normally varies around path followed).
     * @param   {double} distance - Distance travelled, in same units as earth radius (default: metres).
     * @param   {double} bearing - Initial bearing in degrees from north.
     * @returns {CLLocationCoordinate} Destination point.
    #define kEarthRadius 6378137
    - (CLLocationCoordinate2D)destinationPointWithStartingPoint:(MKMapPoint)initialPoint distance:(double)distance andBearing:(double)bearing {
      CLLocationCoordinate2D location = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(initialPoint);
      double delta = distance / kEarthRadius;
      double omega = [self degreesToRadians:bearing];
      double phi1 = [self degreesToRadians:location.latitude];
      double lambda1 = [self degreesToRadians:location.longitude];
      double phi2 = asin(sin(phi1)*cos(delta) + cos(phi1) * sin(delta) * cos(omega));
      double x = cos(delta) - sin(phi1) * sin(phi2);
      double y = sin(omega) * sin(delta) * cos(phi1);
      double lambda2 = lambda1 + atan2(y, x);
      return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake([self radiansToDegrees:phi2], ([self radiansToDegrees:lambda2]+540)%360-180);
    - (CLLocationCoordinate2D)rhumbDestinationPointForInitialPoint:(MKMapPoint)initialPoint distance:(double)distance andBearing:(double)bearing {
      CLLocationCoordinate2D location = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(initialPoint);
      double delta = distance / kEarthRadius;
      double omega = [self degreesToRadians:bearing];
      double phi1 = [self degreesToRadians:location.latitude];
      double lambda1 = [self degreesToRadians:location.longitude];
      double delta_phi = delta * cos(omega);
      double phi2 = phi1 + delta_phi;
      // check for some daft bugger going past the pole, normalise latitude if so
      if (fabs(phi2) > M_PI / 2) {
        phi2 = phi2 > 0 ? M_PI-phi2 : -M_PI-phi2;
      double delta_gamma = log(tan(phi2/2+M_PI/4)/tan(phi1/2+M_PI/4));
      double q = fabs(delta_gamma) > 10e-12 ? delta_phi / delta_gamma : cos(phi1);
      double delta_lambda = delta*sin(omega)/q;
      double lambda2 = lambda1 + delta_lambda;
      return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake([self radiansToDegrees:phi2], ([self radiansToDegrees:lambda2]+540)%360-180);
    - (double)degreesToRadians:(double)degrees {
      return degrees * M_PI / 180.0;
    - (double)radiansToDegrees:(double)radians {
      return radians * 180.0 / M_PI;

    Adapted from :
    More information on bearing :
    And rhumb line :