I have a table "posts" with "timestamp".
Now I want from all user that have more than 1 post, to get all posts EXCEPT the most recent post.
With this query I can successfully check the users who have more than 1 post:
I can get the last post of a specific user by doing
.filter({userId: 'xxx'})
Now I need to tie those somehow together, and then compare the timestamp from each row with the max('timestamp') to see if they are not equal. The following is what I had but it's obviously wrong
Any advice how I bring all this together?
Something like this ought to work:
index: 'userId'
.filter(function(doc) {
return doc('reduction').count().gt(1)
With reservations for syntax errors; I built this query using python and then converted it to javascript. Especially unsure about the .nth(0)
part, never used it in javascript. In python it's just [0]