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Fine Upload No File to upload

I am using FineUploader in my form using this :

The problem is that, in my form file field is optional.

If I send the form I have this and the form doesn't proceed:

Error On submit And my js code :

var uploader = new qq.FineUploader({
      element: document.getElementById('my-uploader'),
      callbacks: {
          onAllComplete: function(id, fileName, responseJSON) {


  • Fine Uploader is a file upload library. As such, you must provide it with files to upload. It is not a form submission library, and will not submit a form unless a file is involved. If you would like to submit a form without a file, you will need to omit attaching Fine Uploader to the form. Your best bet in this case is to allow the file to be sent independent of the form submit.