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Apache Drill Supports Stored Procedure & Function

I want to know whether Apache Drill Supports Stored Procedure and Functions or not.? If Yes Please give some example.


  • You can use built in functions :

    • Math and Trig: functions like ABS(x), CEIL(x), CEILING(x), DEGREES(x), EXP(x), FLOOR(x), LOG(x) & many more. Check docs.


       SELECT ABS(`integer`) FROM dfs.`/Users/drill/input2.json`;
    • Data Type Conversion: functions like CAST CONVERT_TO and CONVERT_FROM, etc. Check docs.


      SELECT CAST('1' as DECIMAL(28, 2)) FROM (VALUES(1));
    • Date/Time Functions and Arithmetic: functions like CURRENT_TIME TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, DATE_ADD, etc. Check docs.


      SELECT DATE_ADD(date '2015-05-15', 2) FROM (VALUES(1));
    • String Manipulation: functions like CONCAT, ILIKE, INITCAP, LENGTH, etc. Check docs.


      SELECT CHAR_LENGTH('Drill rocks') FROM (VALUES(1));
    • Aggregate and Aggregate Statistical: functions like AVG(expression), MAX(expression), COUNT(*), etc. Check docs.


      SELECT AVG(ALL salary) FROM cp.`employee.json` WHERE employee_id IN (1139, 1140, 1141);
    • Functions for Handling Nulls: COALESCE & NULLIF. Check docs.


      SELECT NULLIF(d9, d18) FROM alltypes limit 1;

    SQL Window Functions are also supported. Check Details.

    Nested Data Functions are there to FLATTEN, Find Repeated counts,etc. Check Details.

    Query Directory Functions like MAXDIR, MINDIR. Check Details.

    Apart from that, you can develop your own function. Check Tutorials.