Search code examples

Get GLOBALS similar to "Global Search Mask" Intersystems Cache

I can use VisM now to execute Intersystem Cache Objectscript through

            'open the connection
        'set namespace to livedata (for formal namespaces, use the @ symbol)
        AxVisM1.NameSpace = "LIVEDATA"

        'okay, so kunin mo na si GLOBALS...
        'set value to nothing muna
        AxVisM1.VALUE = ""

        'next, get mo yung value via this syntax
        AxVisM1.Code = "Set VALUE=$GET(" & theGlobals & ")"

        AxVisM1.ExecFlag = 1

        'close the connection

        'now, pass the results to.. a textbox?

        Return AxVisM1.VALUE

you can execute objectscript by passing it on .CODE

Now, is there an object script that I can use that can mimic the function of the GLOBAL SEARCH MASK in Intersystems Cache? like in the image below

enter image description here

EDIT I tried the following to pass the data to my datatable, but my datatable is not having any content

        'open the connection
        'set namespace to livedata (for formal namespaces, use the @ symbol)
        AxVisM1.NameSpace = "LIVEDATA"

        'okay, so kunin mo na si GLOBALS...
        AxVisM1.P1 = "^BACKTR(""INDX"",""COMPANY"",)"
        'set value to nothing muna
        AxVisM1.VALUE = ""

        ''next, get mo yung value via this syntax

        AxVisM1.Execute("set tRS=##class(%ResultSet).%New(""%Global:Get"")")
        AxVisM1.Execute("set P3=tRS.Execute(P0,P1,"""")")
        If (AxVisM1.Error <> 0) Then
            Exit Try
        End If

        'create the datatable

        Dim tbl As New DataTable

        'start the loop
        AxVisM1.P2 = "0"
        While True
            AxVisM1.Execute("set P2=0,P3="",VALUE="" if tRS.Next() { set P2=1,P3=tRS.GetData(1),VALUE=tRS.GetData(2) } ")
            AxVisM1.ExecFlag = 1

            If (AxVisM1.Error <> 0) Then
                Exit While
            End If
            If (AxVisM1.P2 = "0") Then
                Exit While
            End If

            ' AxVisM1.P3 - globalName
            ' AxVisM1.VALUE - data
            tbl.Rows.Add(AxVisM1.P3.ToString, AxVisM1.VALUE.ToString)

        End While
        'close the connection

        'Return AxVisM1.VALUE
        Return tbl

    Catch ex As Exception

        'close the connection

        Return Nothing

    End Try


  • In this case you may use %Library.Global class with Get query. In this query you can pass exactly the same mask as a second argument, and will get global names and values as a result. in Cache such code may looks like:

    Set Namespace = "USER"
    Set mask = "^BACKTR(""DATA"",,)"
    Set tRS = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("%Global:Get")
    Set tSC = tRS.Execute(Namespace,Mask,"")
    While tRS.Next() {
        Set gn = tRS.GetData(1)
        Set data = tRS.GetData(2)

    And in VB something like this

        AxVisM1.P0 = "USER"
        AxVisM1.P1 = "^BACKTR(""DATA"",,)"
        AxVisM1.Execute("set tRS=##class(%ResultSet).%New(""%Global:Get"")")
        AxVisM1.Execute("set P3=tRS.Execute(P0,P1,"""")")
        If (AxVisM1.Error <> 0) Then
            Exit Try
        End If
        AxVisM1.P2 = "0"
        While True
            AxVisM1.Execute("set P2=0,P3="",VALUE="" if tRS.Next() { set P2=1,P3=tRS.GetData(1),VALUE=tRS.GetData(2) } ")
            If (AxVisM1.Error <> 0) Then
                Exit While
            End If
            If (AxVisM1.P2 = "0") Then
                Exit While
            End If
            ' AxVisM1.P3 - globalName
            ' AxVisM1.VALUE - data
        End While