I'm relatively new to Qt, and am not entirely familiar with the out-of-the-box widgets. I have a somewhat (but not very) complex widget to create, and don't want to reinvent any wheels. What is the best QWidget to use as a starting point to subclass and/or QWidgets to use to compose my widget. Here is the end-result I am looking for (apologies for the crude drawing):
(source: drmtempsoimages at sites.google.com)
Key points:
You're actually looking for some of the more esoteric options for a QListView/QListWidget.
At the top level, add QTreeWidget
or QTreeView
will give you the hierarchy you're looking for, as well as managing the scrolling area.
Each Listed Item of the (expanded) QTreeXItem
will be a QListView
, setting setViewMode(QListView::IconMode)
on them.
EDIT: Note that to get the precise look you wanted above, you'll probably have to use QListView and use a custom delegate, handling the drawing yourself (unless you can find a theme that will do exactly what you want). However, I've coded up a short PyQt solution below using the Q*Widget classes because they're shorter, and will still demonstrate how to get the right layout. If you're using C++, the same Qt function calls apply, but obviously you might have more or less bookkeeping.
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class displayItem(QtGui.QWidget): #A simple widget to display, just centers a digit in a 100x100 widget
def __init__(self,num):
self.text = num
def paintEvent(self,event):
p = QtGui.QPainter(self)
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
widget = QtGui.QTreeWidget()
widget.setWindowTitle('simple tree')
#Build the list widgets
treeItem1 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(widget)
treeItem1.setText(0,"TreeWidget Parent") #Sets the "header" for your [+] box
list1 = QtGui.QListWidget() #This will contain your icon list
list1.setMovement(QtGui.QListView.Static) #otherwise the icons are draggable
list1.setResizeMode(QtGui.QListView.Adjust) #Redo layout every time we resize
list1.setViewMode(QtGui.QListView.IconMode) #Layout left-to-right, not top-to-bottom
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1)
listItem.setSizeHint(QtCore.QSize(100,100)) #Or else the widget items will overlap (irritating bug)
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1) #Add a few more items
listItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem(list1)
list1.setAutoFillBackground(True) #Required for a widget that will be a QTreeWidgetItem widget
treeSubItem1 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(treeItem1) #Make a subitem to hold our list
widget.setItemWidget(treeSubItem1,0,list1) #Assign this list as a tree item
treeItem2 = QtGui.QTreeWidgetItem(widget) #Make a fake second parent
treeItem2.setText(0,"TreeWidget Parent II")
widget.show() #kick off the app in standard PyQt4 fashion