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GNU ARM plugin for Eclipse under Windows - OpenOCD not starting debugging

I'm having problems trying to setup dev env for STM32F4 Discovery board in Windows.

I have installed all required files (GCC for ARM, Windows Build Tools, Eclipse Plugin) and I'm getting this error when trying to start OpenOCD debugging:

Missing mandatory configuration. Fill-in the 'Config options:' field in the Debugger tab.

This is my debug config screen: enter image description here

And this is the error which I get when I try to start it (and build success message):

enter image description here


  • openocd must be told what kind of board it should talk to

    the only field that usually requires attention is the OpenOCD Setup Other options:, where you should add one or more configuration scripts; for example, for the STM32F4DISCOVERY board, the field should read -f board/stm32f4discovery.cfg