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Is fixed point math faster than floating point?

Years ago, in the early 1990's, I built graphics packages that optimized calculations based on fixed point arithmetic and pre-computed tables for cos, sin, and scaled equations for sqrt and log approximation using Newton's approximation methods. These advanced techniques seemed to have become part of the graphics and built-in math processors. About 5 years ago, I took a numerical analysis class that touched on some of the old techniques. I've been coding for almost 30 years and rarely ever see those old fixed point optimizations in use, even after working on GPGPU applications for world class particle accelerator experiments. Are fixed point methods still useful, anywhere throughout the software industry anymore, or is the usefulness for that knowledge now gone forever?


  • Fixed point is marginally useful on platforms that do not support any kind of decimal type of their own; for example, I implemented a 24-bit fixed point type for the PIC16F series microcontrollers (more on why I chose fixed point later).

    However, almost every modern CPU supports floating point at the microcode or hardware level, so there isn't much need for fixed point.

    Fixed point numbers are limited in the range they can represent - consider a 64-bit(32.32) fixed point vs. a 64-bit floating point: the 64-bit fixed point number has a decimal resolution of 1/(232), while the floating point number has a decimal resolution of up to 1/(253); the fixed point number can represent values as high as 231, while the floating point number can represent numbers up to 2223. And if you need more, most modern CPUs support 80-bit floating point values.

    Of course, the biggest downfall of floating point is limited precision in extreme cases - e.g. in fixed point, it would require fewer bits to represent 9000000000000000000000000000000.00000000000000000000000000000002. Of course, with floating point, you get better precision for average uses of decimal arithmetic, and I have yet to see an application where decimal arithmetic is as extreme as the above example yet also does not overflow the equivalent fixed-point size.

    The reason I implemented a fixed-point library for the PIC16F rather than use an existing floating point library was code size, not speed: the 16F88 has 384 bytes of usable RAM and room for 4095 instructions total. To add two fixed point numbers of predefined width, I inlined integer addition with carry-out in my code (the fixed point doesn't move anyway); to multiply two fixed point numbers, I used a simple shift-and-add function with extended 32-bit fixed point, even though that isn't the fastest multiplication approach, in order to save even more code.

    So, when I had need of only one or two basic arithmetic operations, I was able to add them without using up all of the program storage. For comparison, a freely available floating point library on that platform was about 60% of the total storage on the device. In contrast, software floating point libraries are mostly just wrappers around a few arithmetic operations, and in my experience, they are mostly all-or-nothing, so cutting the code size in half because you only need half of the functions doesn't work so well.

    Fixed point generally doesn't provide much of an advantage in speed though, because of its limited representation range: how many bits would you need to represent 1.7E+/-308 with 15 digits of precision, the same as a 64-bit double? If my calculations are correct, you'd need somewhere around 2020 bits. I'd bet the performance of that wouldn't be so good.

    Thirty years ago, when hardware floating point was relatively rare, very special-purpose fixed-point (or even scaled integer) arithmetic could provide significant gains in performance over doing software-based floating point, but only if the allowable range of values could be efficiently represented with scaled-integer arithmetic (the original Doom used this approach when no coprocessor was available, such as on my 486sx-25 in 1992 - typing this on an overclocked hyperthreaded Core i7 running at 4.0GHz with a GeForce card that has over 1000 independent floating point compute units, it just seems wrong somehow, although I'm not sure which - the 486, or the i7...).

    Floating point is more general purpose due to the range of values it can represent, and with it implemented in hardware on both CPUs and GPUs, it beats fixed point in every way, unless you really need more than 80-bit floating point precision at the expense of huge fixed-point sizes and very slow code.