Recently I decided to dive into the Android Open Source Project world. This is how I picture my life will be with AOSP:
In order to dig into the AOSP world, I need to get my hands dirty and modify code in the projects. And I am going to do it on three different computers so I need to store my work in remote git repositories. So I need to fork the AOSP manifest in my own github account and work from that.
Say later I try to play with the frameworks project, then I need to fork this project into my own github account as well:
<project path="frameworks/base" name="platform/frameworks/base" groups="pdk-cw-fs,pdk-fs" />
Ideally, when I do a local repo sync, the frameworks/base project will be fetched from my own github account and all other projects will be fetched from google git repo.
Here is what I did in action:
What I want to do is forking the AOSP manifest git repo to my github and work from there. Then I do:
repo sync -u
Then I do:
repo sync
However I received a lot of error in the console like:
fatal: remote error:
my_own_github_account/platform/external/libopus is not a valid repository name
Email for help
It seems repo will assume the projects will come from the same base as the manifest project. I am not sure how to properly do a repo sync with a forked manifest.
Additionally, I am not sure if the way I tried to start work on AOSP is silly or unprofessional. If so I will appreciate it if you can point me to the right way of doing it. Thanks in advance.
Actually I found this post here almost perfectly answered my question:
The reason I cannot do repo sync is because of this line in repo file:
<remote name="aosp"
review="" />
The two dots means fetching projects relative to the repo manifest project itself. That's why repo is trying to sync from my_own_github_account
Then I changed it to
<remote name="aosp"
fetch="" />
Then the repo sync works properly.
What if for a specific project I want to sync from my own github account?
Of course you need to mirror that project to your own github account. Then modify the manifest file like this:
Add this line to manifest file:
<remote name="origin" fetch="" />
The name is the remote fetching source you want to use for your own sub project.
Then add this:
<project path="frameworks/base" name="platform/base"
remote="origin" revision="your_default_revision" />
Note that in order to override the default remote fetching source you need to add remote="origin"
Then when you do repo sync
, repo will fetch framework/base from your own github account and fetch other projects from google source.