I'm using FOSRestBundle
. I want to return user info but with less data information... How to do this? Here is my current response
"id": 1,
"user": {
"id": 1,
"username": "qqqq",
"username_canonical": "qqqq",
"email": "nie@mam.go",
"email_canonical": "nie@mam.go",
"enabled": true,
"salt": "9ds56htrvvokkckgscs0084so8ss40g",
"password": "ZcmowLmoNVLNfdMLakzp29G3TZKIfJWVWZ7sE3iylKin5dlYDIQfAJvDC6CFAS2PI4KcpJM0A8qPihDU6jH02A==",
"last_login": "2016-04-03T18:45:06+0200",
"locked": false,
"expired": false,
"roles": [],
"credentials_expired": false,
"created_at": "2016-04-03T18:45:06+0200",
"updated_at": "2016-04-03T18:45:06+0200"
"text": "asdadadasd",
"uv": 0,
"dv": 0,
"vote_count": 0,
"public_i_p": "",
"private_i_p": "",
"voters": [],
"created_at": "-0001-11-30T00:00:00+0124",
"updated_at": "-0001-11-30T00:00:00+0124"
I don't want to display all user information, just username, locked, expired
My response
public function getEntryAction(Entry $entry)
return View::create()
I can recommend the JMSSerializerBundle
. It integrates seamlessly and you can define what attributes do you want to serialize.