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Python: How to code 2 different inputs

I'm trying to make a game to learn how to code with python. I've reached a part where I want a while loop to keep asking for input if the user input is not valid. But I also want two different inputs to give different outputs. However, I've coded it so that any user input is not valid.

action4 = input()
while action4 != ("left") or action4 != ("right"):                           
    print ("Left or right?")
    action4 = input()
if action4 == ("left"):
    print ("You turn left and proceed down this hallway")
    left = True
elif action4 == ("right"):
    print ("You turn right and proceed down this hallway")
    left = False

I'm trying to get it so that both left and right are both valid outputs. But keep the while loop so that if any other input is not valid.


  • let us consider the conditional in the while loop:

    action4 != ("left") or action4 != ("right")

    we need this to evaluate as False to break out of the while loop, so what values would make this False? We can break the conditional down like this:

    action4 = ...
    cond1 = action4 != ("left")
    cond2 = action4 != ("right")
    result = cond1 or cond2

    so what if action4 = "left"? Well then cond1 -> False but cond2 -> True so because one of them is True, cond1 or cond2 is True.

    what if action4 = "right"? Well then cond1 -> True but cond2 -> False so because one of them is True, cond1 or cond2 is True.

    I think what you need to change is the or to and, so if action4 is not either of left or right then it will break:

    while action4 != ("left") and action4 != ("right"):

    or you can use the not in operator:

    while action4 not in ("left","right"):

    which is a bit easier to understand.