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ASP.NET FormsAuthentication and membership

I can use forms authentication in ASP.NET without membership. i.e:

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(usuario.UsuDs, false);//usuario.UsuDS is the textbox  username in login's form

Then i can write code like:

        public ActionResult Criar(Usuarios usuario)

And it only authorize "UserTest" user in especific views. However,i would like to write:

        public ActionResult Criar(Usuarios usuario)

But i cant set roles without Membership.

Any ideias to set and get roles from ASP.NET without membership?


  • You can certainly use roles without Membership. In fact, prior to ASP.NET 2.0 we didn't have Membership at all, garsh darnit, and we liked it that way!! ;-)

    Here's an article that shows how to implement roles without Membership: Role-Based Authorization With Forms Authentication. In a nutshell, you have to write some code that assigns the roles to the user once they're authenticated.

    Happy Programming!