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Any way to delete in vim without overwriting your last yank?

I love vim, but one common gotcha is:

  • yank a line
  • go to where you would like to paste it
  • delete what's there
  • paste your yank, only to discover that it pastes what you just deleted

Obviously the workflow is delete first, yank second. But it would be reeeeeaaaaaalllly nice if I didn't have to. Anyone have a trick for this? Does vim have a paste buffer that works well, or is there a .vimrc setting I can change?


  • Pass to the _ register, the black hole.

    To delete a line without sticking it in the registers:


    See also :help registers.

    It's probably safest, if you want to paste something over and over again, to yank it into a "named" register.


    Yanks a line into the a register. Paste it with "ap.