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Question mark in url (Apache)

I have a problem with a question mark in url.

For example: I have the url (where %3F is url encoded question mark), and with this rewrite rule: RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 [PT], it should be passed to framework I use (Kohana) as is. At least I thought so.

The problem is that everything after the url encoded question mark is being treated as GET parameter, so Kohana receives only the part_1 and I can see that there is an array key part_2 in $_GET. I think it's web servers problem (apache 2.2).

What should I do so apache wouldn't treat url encoded question mark as a GET parameter indicator?


  • Question mark is one of the reserved characters, used as separator between PATH and QUERY components. So, you cant use it as a part of URI path.