Is there a way in sqlalchemy to turn off declarative's polymorphic join loading, in a single query? Most of the time it's nice, but I have:
class A(Base) :
discriminator = Column('type', mysql.INTEGER(1), index=True, nullable=False)
__mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on' : discriminator }
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
p = Column(Integer)
class B(A) :
__mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity' : 0 }
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
x = Column(Integer)
class C(A) :
__mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_identity' : 1 }
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
y = Column(String)
I want to make a query such that I get all A.ids for which B.x > 10, if that A is actually a B, or where C.y == 'blah', if that A is actually a C, all ordered by p.
To do it iteratively, I'm starting just with the first part - "get all for which B.x > 10 if that A is actually a B". So I thought I would start with an outer join:
session.query(, == > 10)
... except there seems to be no way to avoid having that outerjoin((B, == clause generate a full join of everything in A to everything in B within a subselect. If B doesn't inherit from A, then that doesn't happen, so I'm thinking it's the polymorphic declarative code generation that does that. Is there a way to turn that off? Or to force the outerjoin to do what I want?
What I want is something like this:
select from A a left outer join B b on == where b.x > 10
but instead I get something like:
select from A a left outer join (select, B.x, from B inner join A on ==
... as an aside, if it's not possible, then is the latter less efficient than the former? Will the sql engine actually perform that inner join, or will it elide it?
You could try building the queries for each subclass individually, then unioning them together. When querying
, SQLAlchemy implicitly joins the superclass and returns
instead, so taking the union of selects for
only returns a single column.
>>> b_query = session.query( > 10)
>>> c_query = session.query( == 'foo')
>>> print b_query.union(c_query)
SELECT anon_1."A_id" AS "anon_1_A_id"
FROM (SELECT "A".id AS "A_id"
FROM "A" JOIN "B" ON "A".id = "B".id
WHERE "B".x > ? UNION SELECT "A".id AS "A_id"
FROM "A" JOIN "C" ON "A".id = "C".id
WHERE "C".y = ?) AS anon_1
You still get a subselect, but only a single "layer" of joins - the outer select is just renaming the column.